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Biodegradable silica nanoparticles for efficient linear DNA gene delivery

A Ramos-Valle; H Kirst, ML Fanarraga

Drug Delivery 2024, 31:2385376

**Carbon nanotubes targeted to the tumor microenvironment inhibit metastasis in a preclinical model of melanoma**

L García-Hevia, R Soltani; J González, O Chaloin; C Ménard-Moyon; A BiancoML Fanarraga

Bioactive Materials 2024, 34:237-247 (pdf)

Identification of GB3 as a Novel Biomarker of Tumor-Derived Vasculature in Neuroblastoma Using a Stiffness-Based Model

A Villasante, ...., ML Fanarraga, J Samitier

Cancers 2024, 16(5),1060 (pdf)

Cell Membrane-Coated Nanoparticles for Precision Medicine: A Comprehensive Review of Coating Techniques for Tissue-Specific Therapeutics

A Fernández-Borbolla, L García-Hevia, ML Fanarraga

Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2024, 25(4), 2071 (pdf)

Solid Lipid Nanoparticles Enhancing the Leishmanicidal Activity of Delamanid 

J Santamaría-Aguirre, D Jacho, MA Méndez, A Poveda, J Carrión, ML Fanarraga

Pharmaceutics 2024, 16(1):41 (pdf)

Enhanced inhibition of amyloid formation by heat shock protein 90 immobilized on nanoparticles

A Rodriguez-Ramos, JA. González, ML Fanarraga

ACS Chemical Neuroscience 2023, 14(15):2811–2817 (pdf)

AB Toxins as High-Affinity Ligands for Cell Targeting in Cancer Therapy

A Márquez-LópezML Fanarraga

Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2023, 24(13):11227 (pdf)

One pot synthesis of compact DNA silica particles for gene delivery and extraordinary DNA preservation

A Ramos-Valle; L Marín-Cava, L García Hevia, MA Correa-Duarte, ML Fanarraga

Material Today Advances 2023, 18:100357 (pdf)

Nanoparticle biocoating to create ATP-powered swimmers capable of repairing proteins on the fly

A Rodriguez-Ramos, MA. Ramos-Docampo, V Salgueiriño, ML Fanarraga

Material Today Advances 2023, 17:100353 (pdf)

Magnetically Propelled Chained Nanocomposites for On-Demand Biologically Relevant Media Exploration

MA. Ramos-Docampo, P Hurtado, AB. Dávila-Ibáñez, R Piñeiro, ML Fanarraga, V Salgueiriño

Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 2023, 629: 287-296 (pdf).

Shiga toxin-B targeted gold nanorods for local photothermal treatment in oral cancer clinical samples

E Navarro-Palomares, L García-Hevia, J Galán-Vidal, A Gandarillas, F García-Reija, A Sánchez-Iglesias, LM Liz-Marzán, R Valiente, ML Fanarraga

International Journal of Nanomedicine, 2022, 17:5747-5760 (pdf).

Gb3/CD77 Is a Predictive Marker and Promising Therapeutic Target for Head and Neck Cancer

L García-HeviaD Muñoz-GuerraÍ CasafontC Morales-AnguloV J. OvejeroD Lobo, ML Fanarraga

Biomedicines, 2022, 10(4):732 (pdf).

**Graphene-encapsulated Magnetic Nanoparticles for Safe and Steady Delivery of Ferulic Acid in Diabetic Mice**

A Mateu-Roldán B Zhong, D Muñoz-Guerra, J González, MR Ibarra, M King, ML Fanarraga* C Marquina*

Chemical Engineering Journal (2022) 435, 134466 (pdf).

Targeting Nanomaterials to Head and Neck Cancer Cells Using A Fragment of the Shiga Toxin as a Potent Natural Ligand

E Navarro-Palomares, L García-Hevia, E Padín-GonzálezM Bañobre-López, JC Villegas, R Valiente and ML Fanarraga.

Cancers, 2021, 13(19): 492 (pdf).

**Magnetic lipid nanovehicles synergize the controlled thermal release of chemotherapeutics with magnetic ablation while enabling non-invasive monitoring by MRI for melanoma theranostics**

L García-Hevia, Í Casafont, J Oliveira, N Terán, ML Fanarraga, J Gallo, M Bañobre-López

Bioactive Materials 2022, 8:153-164 (pdf).


**The unpredictable carbon nanotube biocorona and a functionalization method to prevent protein biofouling

L García-Hevia, M Saramiforoshani, J Monge , N Iturrioz, E Padin, F González, L González-Legarreta, J González, ML Fanarraga

Journal of Nanobiotechnology 2021, 19:129 (pdf) 

Solid-lipid particles for lung metastasis treatment

L Valdivia, L García-Hevia, M Bañobre-López, J Gallo, R Valiente, ML Fanarraga

Pharmaceutics 2021, 13(1): 93 (pdf)

Free-labeled nanoclay intracellular uptake tracking by confocal Raman imaging 

N Iturrioz-Rodríguez, R Martín-Rodríguez, C Renero, F Aguado, L González-Legarreta, J González, ML Fanarraga, AC Perdigón

Applied Surface Science, 2021, 537:147870 (pdf)

Design of polymeric and biocompatible delivery systems by dissolving mesoporous silica templates

Rodríguez-Ramos A, Marín-Caba L, Iturrioz-Rodríguez N, Padín-González E, García-Hevia L, Mêna-Oliveira T, Corea-Duarte MA and Fanarraga ML

Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2020, 21(24): 9573 (pdf)

**Microtubule cytoskeleton-disrupting activity of MWCNTs: Applications in cancer treatment

L García-Hevia & ML. Fanarraga

Journal of Nanobiotechnology, 2020, 18(1):181 (pdf) 

Development of an accurate method for dispersion and quantification of carbon nanotubes in biological methods

L González-Legarreta, C Renero-Lecuna, R Valiente, ML Fanarraga

Analytical Methods 2020, 12(46): 5642 (pdf)

A custom-made functionalization method to control the biological identity of nanomaterials 

E Padín-González, E Navarro-Palomares, L. Valdivia, N Iturrioz-Rodríguez, MA Correa-Duarte, R Valiente and ML Fanarraga

Nanomedicine 2020, 02268; DOI: 10.1016/j.nano.2020.102268 (pdf)

Engineering sub-cellular targeting strategies to enhance safe cytosolic silica particle dissolution in cells

N Iturrioz-Rodríguez, MA Correa-Duarte, R Valiente, ML Fanarraga

Pharmaceutics 2020: 12(6), 487 (pdf)

Dye-doped biodegradable nanoparticle SiO2 coating in zinc- and iron-oxide nanoparticles to improve biocompatibility and in vivo imaging studies

E Navarro-Palomares,   P González-Saiz,   C Renero-Lecuna,   R Martín Rodríguez,   F Aguado,   D González-Alonso,   L Fernandez Barquin,   J Gonzalez,   M Bañobre-López,   M L Fanarraga  & R Valiente

Nanoscale, 2020:12, 6164-6175 (pdf)

Controlled drug delivery systems for cancer-based on mesoporous silica particles

N Iturrioz-Rodríguez, M A. Correa-Duarte , M L. Fanarraga

Int J  Nanomedicine (2019) 14: 3389-3401

Multi-walled carbon nanotubes complement the anti-tumoral effect of 5-Fluorouracil

E González-Lavado, L Valdivia, A García-Castaño, F González, C Pesquera, R Valiente, M. L. Fanarraga

Oncotarget, 2019, 10:2022-2029 (pdf)

Effect of Size, Shape, and Composition on the Interaction of Different Nanomaterials with HeLa Cells

C Renero-Lecuna, N Iturrioz-Rodríguez, E González-Lavado, E Padín-González, E Navarro-Palomares, L Valdivia-Fernández, L García-Hevia, M L. Fanarraga, L González-Legarreta

J Nanomaterials, 2019, Article ID 7518482 (pdf)

Biodegradable multi-walled carbon nanotubes trigger antitumoral effects

E. González-Lavado, N. Iturrioz-Rodriguez, E. Padín-González, J. González, L. García-Hevia, J. Heurts, C. Pesquera, F. González, JC. Villegas, R. Valiente, ML. Fanarraga

Nanoscale. 2018 Jun 14;10(23):11013-11020. 

Drug Nanoparticle Stability Assessment Using Isothermal and Non-Isothermal Approaches

J. Santamaría-Aguirre, R. Alcocer-Vallejo, M. L. Fanarraga

J Nanomaterials, 2018, Article ID 3047178. (pdf)

**A synthetic getaway biomimetic strategy for cytoplasm particle invasion**

N. Iturrioz-Rodríguez, E. González-Domínguez, E. González-Lavado, L. Marín-Caba, B. Vaz, M. Pérez-Lorenzo, M. A. Correa-Duarte and M. L. Fanarraga

Angewandte Chemie Int. Ed. (2017) 56(44):13736-13740

(paper, supp info, video1, video2)

Carbon nanotubes gathered onto silica particles lose their biomimetic properties with the cytoskeleton becoming biocompatible

E. González-Domínguez, N. Iturrioz, E. Padín-González, J. C. Villegas, L. García-Hevia, M. Pérez-Lorenzo, W. J. Parak, M. A. Correa-Duarte, M. L. Fanarraga

Int. J. Nanomedicine (2017)12: 6317–6328

Bio-degradable carbon nanotubes display intrinsic anti-tumoral effect

Mónica L Fanarraga, Eloisa González-Lavado, Esperanza Padín-González and Nerea Iturrioz

J Biotechnol Biomater (2017) 7: 2

Multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) as cytotoxic drug delivery systems in the treatment of cancer
Eloisa Gonzalez-Lavado, Esperanza Padin-Gonzalez, Nerea Iturrioz, Tomas Torroba and Monica L Fanarraga

J Biotechnol Biomater (2017) 7: 2


**Magnetic hyperthermia enhances cell toxicity with respect to exogenous heating**

B Sanz, M P Calatayud, T E Torres, M L. Fanarraga, M. R  Ibarra, G F. Goya

Biomaterials (2017) 114:62-70

Nano-ZnO leads to tubulin macrotube assembly and actin bundling triggering cytoskeletal catastrophe and cell necrosis

L. García-Hevia, R. Valiente, R. Martín Rodríguez, C. Renero Lecua, J.A. Gonzalez, L. Rodríguez Fenández, F. Aguado, J. C. Villegas, M. L. Fanarraga  

Nanoscale  (2016) 8(21):10963-73


Multiwalled carbon nanotubes inhibit tumor progression in a mouse model 

García-Hevia L,  Villegas JC, Fernández F, Casafont I, González J, Valiente R and Fanarraga ML

Advanced Healthcare Materials (2016) (9):1080-7.


A fast, reliable and cost-effective method to generate tumor organs for therapy screening in vivo

García-Hevia L, Fernández F, Casafont I, Villegas JC and Fanarraga ML

Biomedical Physics & Engineering Express (2016) 035009.

**Inhibition of Cancer Cell Migration by Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes**

L. García-Hevia, R. Valiente, J.L. Fernández-Luna, E. Flahaut, L. Rodríguez-Fernández, J.C. Villegas, J. González, M.L. Fanarraga

Adv Healthc Mater. (2015) 4(11):1640-4

Anti-Cancer Cytotoxic Effects of Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes

García-Hevia L, Valiente R, González J, Fernández-Luna JL, Villegas JC, Fanarraga, ML

Current Pharmaceutical Design  (2015) 21:1920-1929


Nanotube interactions with microtubules: implications for cancer medicine

García-Hevia L, Fernández F, Grávalos C, García A, Villegas JC,  Fanarraga ML

Nanomedicine 2014 Jul;9(10):1581-8


**Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes Hinder Microglia Function Interfering with Cell Migration and Phagocytosis**

Villegas JC, Alvarez-Montes L, Rodríguez-Fernández L, González J, Valiente R, Fanarraga ML.

Adv Healthc Mater. 2014 Mar;3(3):424-32

**Multiwalled carbon nanotubes display microtubule biomimetic properties in vivo, enhancing microtubule assembly and stabilization**

Rodriguez-Fernandez L, Valiente R, Gonzalez J, Villegas JC, Fanarraga ML.

ACS Nano. 2012 Aug 28;6(8):6614-25.

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